Preauricular Cysts and Ear Cysts

Preauricular sinus/cysts are caused by an embryological hillocks fusion abnormality when the outer ear is formed around 8-12 week intrauterine life. It is a common problem in many individuals and is estimated that up to 3% of the population may have the sinuses in the upper part of the ear (superior part of the auricle). … Read more Preauricular Cysts and Ear Cysts

Grommets and Middle ear effusion – Glue Ear

Middle ear effusion Middle ear effusion is common in children aged 1-6. Glue ear refers to the gluey consistency of the fluid that remains in the middle ear. The fluid can be gluey or straw-coloured yellowy fluid. Middle ear effusion can occur following episodes of acute otitis media or without acute inflammation due to other … Read more Grommets and Middle ear effusion – Glue Ear

GP Guidelines for the management of Acute Otitis Media AOM ear infections

Acute otitis media (AOM) is an acute inflammation of the middle ear. It is very common in early childhood with a peak prevalence between 6 and 18 months of age. Causes may be multifactorial, often secondary to the Eustachian Tube dysfunction during a viral upper respiratory infection. Diagnosis Acute onset of ear pain, irritability, fever, … Read more GP Guidelines for the management of Acute Otitis Media AOM ear infections

What are tonsils and adenoids?

Tonsils and adenoids are both made of lymphoid tissue similar to the glands in our neck and aresituated in the throat (tonsil -one on each side inside the mouth) and the adenoidal tissue is situated at the back of the nose where our mouth meets the back of the nose which is known as thenasopharynx. … Read more What are tonsils and adenoids?

When do you need your Adenoids or Tonsils Removed?

COMMON INDICATIONS– adenoidal and tonsillar enlargement with obstruction, recurrent strepthroat GABHS positive children with comorbidities, recurrent tonsillar infection (7 in 1 year, 5/y in 2 years), obstructive sleep apnoea, suspected malignancy, recurrent quinsy post Adenoidal enlargement is diagnosed clinically by your ENT surgeon. Adenoidal removal is indicated within adenoidal tissue occupies greater than > 75% … Read more When do you need your Adenoids or Tonsils Removed?

Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Surgery

What is a tonsillectomy and how is it performed recovery and risks? Tonsillectomy is performed on a general anaesthetic, the patient is completely sleeping and unaware of the procedure. The surgery takes 30 minutes with the anaesthetic the whole procedure may take anywhere between 45 and 60 minutes. It is commonly done as a day … Read more Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Surgery

Guidelines for GP referrals: Tonsillectomy or Adenoidectomy in children and adults

The classic B symptoms (lymphoma) such as night time fevers/night sweats or, weight loss, loss of appetite with or without tonsillar enlargement should also be considered for urgent referral. Significant tonsillar enlargement, bleeding, ulceration with or without asymmetry especially in adult /adolescent population require further investigation. Good history for obstructive sleep apnoea, severe habitual snoring … Read more Guidelines for GP referrals: Tonsillectomy or Adenoidectomy in children and adults